My Portfolio

Welcome to my website, this website acts as my online web-dev portfolio. Feel free to check out my about me page. I specialize in web development, full stack. JavaScript is my favorite language. I am also knowledgable in network security, digital art, Google Firebase, node js, linux systems, and have been previously certified in 10 other programming languages (HTML, CSS, C++, C#, C, Java, Python, SQL, PHP, and Swift). I have several online projects you can demo (as well as many others under an alias), keep scrolling to view a short list of my public ones.

This site uses the Prefix-Free CSS library. All source code is owned and written by myself unless explicitly stated.

My Projects

The majority of my most credible projects are created under an alias that are not pulicly associated with my real name for privacy purposes. For business inquiries such as from potential employers, please reach out to me to view some of my work done under my alias.

Clicking a project will open it in a new tab.

I build websites!

Want your very own website or know somebody that does? I can offer help to others with their projects for free, alternatively you can email me and we can discuss your project ideas & pricing and I will do all the work.

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